IPad Skin Panda – Custom Name


It is easy to get dirt and scratches on your iPad. WrapCart is here to the rescue with our customized iPad skins designed to make your iPad look and feel yours while retaining the signature Apple design we all love. Our iPad wraps add a layer of functionality to your iPad by protecting them from dust, falls, scratches, and more. Durability and versatility- that is our commitment at WrapCart.

SKU: ipad-skin-panda-custom-name Category:

WHAT SETS US APART: We at WrapCart provide a smooth and even iPad skin that provides a natural and comfortable fit without interfering with any of the sensors. Our skins are designed to provide you with a comfortable experience. We’re very proud of our precise workmanship, fit, attention to detail and all-around 360-degree protection. We at WrapCart give you a whole new way to personalize your iPad! Our iPad Skins are designed to be thin and provide an extra layer of protection to your iPad without adding any excess weight. So, do you want to make your iPad resistant to scrapes, scratches, bumps, and falls?

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